Promo: Discounts for group bookings by schools

We are running a promotion for schools in the month of May 2022. All you need to do is pre-book your next visit to Greenwood Park and pay a minimum of 50% deposit. Depending on the number of kids in the group, you qualify to get up to 15% discount as follows:
  • 40 – 50 kids: 5% discount;
  • 51 – 100 kids: 10% discount; and
  • Over 100 kids: 15% discount.

About Greenwood Park
Greenwood Park is an entertainment park for children. It is located just outside the central business district of Harare. The target audience is children, families, schools, creches, nurseries and any organisation the brings children together.

For more details, contact:
+263 784 564 584 | [email protected] | Cnr Herbert Chitepo Avenue & 7th Street, Harare